We embrace the concept of nature. This year our goal is to concentrate on how to preserve yet trying to create it. This means a lot of work, ranging from our manufacturing process and the habits of customer's behavior, we are confident that imperfection to an extend link to the force of nature.
There are many different ways to approach the subject of nature. It can open our eyes to the intricacy and beauty of the natural world. It can simply be a pretty picture that appreciates nature for what it is... or it can be a challenging piece expressing our complex human connection to nature.
So, as you design, think about how you can use nature to help your designs evolve. Perhaps there is an aspect of nature that you would like to present anew to your building occupants — to let them experience nature in a way they have never experienced it before. Also, you could take a cue from biomimcry — and begin a study of nature to pull from its genius to inform the mechanisms that make up your design.
Additionally, you can look to nature as an ecosystem, that informs the systems which make up your architectural solution. Think about how your architecture can be self-sustaining, just as nature can be. You may want to learn from the way natural systems work with each other to inform the way your architectural systems can do the same.
If your designs happen to be more fluid (more interactive), perhaps you can use nature to inform their interactions. By designing an architecture that responds to nature’s changes, greater function and aesthetics may be possible.